If you like cheese, and pizza and nuts..this recipe is for you. Here you have our easy cheese pie with nuts and feta (fatayer) from scratch! I am a huge melted cheese lover, i hope that doesn’t sound weird, but i personally only like melted cheese on pizza or pasta and when i saw this all over Pinterest i had to try it.
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Easy Cheese fatayer
you like super cheesy food? you should try our Totoro mozzarella stuffed buns, its a super simple bun bread recipe and its perfect for every mozzarella lover.
at this point we are gonna start first with making our sponge! It’s actually pretty fun because it feels like being 5 and making potions in my kitchen but them ending up being something yummy. You are gonna need to use lukewarm water, which is just water that’s a bit warm but not WARM because if its too hot its gonna end up killing your yeast! And if its too cold its gonna be pretty useless because its not gonna do anything that’s why we need something in between. Add your active dry yeast to your water, mix until everything is well disolved and cover with damp paper.
This should rest for 10 minutes or until you see bubbles on top, in order to fasten this step Make sure you have your sponge mix in a warm place, could be by your fireplace or outside if its sunny.
If you don’t see any bubbles, at this point it could be two different options
- The yeast is too old and out of date so it doesn’t really do anything, sometimes when my yeast is a bit old i just add more (about double from what a recipe says), or you can start over with a new one.
- The water was too warm or too hot, if you feel like this one was your case you should start over and try to adjust the water temperature.
If by any change you don’t have active dry yeast you can still do this recipe. You can use 1 tablespoon of fresh yeast and you can omit this sponge step. Just add it with the rest of ingredients. With cold normal water.
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Easy Cheese fatayer
we made this website with WordPress.org and we got our domain with Bluehost . Since we don’t know a lot about website design we used a template and then we activated everything like they say with 17th avenue (we are using the Mia template) they also install it for you or you can do it yourself.

This recipe for easy cheese pie with nuts and feta (fatayer) gives you 4 of them! If you make them smaller you can have many more. You could also make super tiny ones to eat for snack! Or you could make double and Make a gigantic one! Such a shame i have a small oven because now i so want this last option.
Fatayer shape:
First, you wanna divide the dough into 4 equal sections. You should make them have a round ball shape. Then roll out the dough not too thin because then when we add the filing for the crust its gonna start breaking and would be quite a mess. But if you want it super thin just do that. I’m not stopping you on making food how you’d like to eat it.
Stuff the borders of the now flat ball and then close them, start from the sides and then we are making the top and the bottom. You should have a thin gap on both and you want to pinch them together so it would be looking all smooth. I hope it makes sense, we are gonna include a YouTube video here as soon as we edit it so you can get an easier idea on what we mean.
But really don’t worry about the shape that much because what really matters is the taste, then we can perfect the beauty of it another time.
We always can choose if we want to paint or not our goodies before going to the oven. This step is not essential but its gonna make the food have a prettier shinny color. If you don’t want to use an egg, there’s other options. Here are some of these options that we’ve tried, if you want you can do some research too on other ways okay
- obvious option being egg alone or egg with a couple drops of water.
- Second option being egg yolk, this is gonna be Making the food look more orange pretty color.
- Milk
- Slightly salty water (water with salt)
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Boil water and add cornstarch (cornstarch needs cold water to be disolved so first mix it with a bit of cold and add it later on the hot water, do only a bit not too much.
- Honey, you can paint your goodies (specially sweets) with honey and it’s gonna have a super shinny golden brown effect.
In this case we decided to pain all the Dough base and in one we used sesame seeds for the crust and you choose if you like it or not but it definitely gives a special flavor. I’ll always repeat that you can choose to add or omit ingredients except if they’re super esencial for the recipe. Cooking should be about having fun not having to do something exactly as they tell you to. Please remember this.

Im having the hardest time ever remembering how long it should get baked but im guessing the Same time as our pizzas. All the ovens are different and you should take it out from the oven when it has that pretty golden brown, that means its done. Trust me you don’t need that many instructions when cooking or baking, its gonna come out perfect anyways.
We are baking it at 200C – 392 F for about 15 minutes – until golden brown

RECIPE in cups and grams
Easy Cheese fatayer
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) lukewarm water
- 1 teaspoon active dry yeast
- 1 cup (113 g ) bread flour
- 1 cup (113 g ) all purpose flour
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 8 oz (225 g) mozzarella cheese
- 5.30 oz (150 g) feta cheese
- 2 tablespoon finely chopped Parsley
- 3 tablespoons pine nuts
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
Egg wash:
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1)First step: sponge
firstly we are making our sponge for our super amazing and easy cheese pie with nuts and feta (fatayer)!
You wanna use Lukewarm water (not hot not cold) and add it in a glass or even a measuring thingy whatever you can find will be valid. Make sure it’s not too hot so it doesn’t kill your active dry yeast, and it should not be cold either. You can now add your active dry yeast and mix until you see everything super well disolved. Make sure to cover with plastic wrap or damp paper and allow it to rest for about 10 minutes, always in a warm place so it can fasten the process and you can eat it sooner.
After 10 minutes or maybe it takes you a bit more or even less you want to see bubbles on the top like foam? Okay now im guessing this is called sponge because it kinda looks like a sponge..maybe im wrong but if i am don’t tell me.

2)Second step: dough ingredients
On Our second step for this Easy Cheese fatayer we are making our dough: by the time the sponge is resting you want to add in you mixing bowl all purpose flour and bread flour, salt (a lot of people always says we never use salt in our videos but guys we just don’t show it, we are gonna be adding proof later so believe us okay) and extra virgin olive oil.
I like to use evoo because it gives the food an amazing flavor but if you can’t find it or you just don’t wanna use it, feel totally free to add any other oil of your choice, maybe it even works with butter, but I’ve never tried it before!
Now you can add the sponge you proudly made before 🙂

3)Third step: kneading
With a stand mixer:
When kneading if you have a stand mixer is gonna make everything so much easier, you don’t have to deal with sticky hands, awful minutes kneading and exercising…so maybe this is your sign on investing in a good stand mixer.
Make sure to knead this Dough for about 15 minutes medium speed, if you feel like it needs more kneading leave it 2 more minutes, it should be a bit elastic.
Using your hands:
If you have to do it without a stand mixer im so sorry , but you are gonna be kneading this dough 20-22 minutes, it’s nothing personal i promise. It’s all worthy for this Easy Cheese fetayer
4)Fourth step: resting
As soon as the dough is properly kneaded (how do you even pronounce this word?) you want to clean the bowl you used before or grab a new one, whatever- and add a bit of oil to the whole inside part of it, this is just so it doesn’t stick but you really don’t have to do this, i secretly almost never do it, and it literally happens nothing extra, it perfectly unsticks???? Today my English is not Englishing.
Make sure you cover it with a damp towel and allow it to proof for about 1h, if you are using the Same size as me this is what its gonna be looking like after one hour (in a warm place pls) but if you don’t use the same size as me, if smaller it’s gonna be looking way higher and if bigger it’s gonna be flatter (Makes sense)

5)Fifth step: shape+crust filling
I dont think i will ever be explain myself on how to shape this, i feel like im gonna confuse you so you better check the pictures for the best explanation ever. Im gonna try anyways, don’t worry.
You wanna divide the dough into 4 pieces, just weight them if you want to make it the Same weigh (total weight of the dough : 4 or as many pies you want). Roll each one into a ball and then roll out that ball using a rolling pan. You can put a bit of flour in your working table or counter top so it doesn’t stick at all. Don’t use to much of it tho.
This is the easier step of all, you just wanna go check te ingredients list and first of all we are toasting the pine nuts for a second, in a pan without oil or anything, on low heat mixing so it doesn’t get burnt at all toast it until you see a bit of color, then you want to add it to the rest of filling ingredients. The toasting is gonna give the pine nuts the best flavor.
Now make sure to stuff the crust, close the gaps first from the sides and them we are gonna pinch the top and the bottom together, look at the pictures please on how to achieve this Easy Cheese fatayer

6)Sixth step: second proof
This is where you wanna leave your perfectly shaped cheese pie on a baking pan and allow it to proof for about 20 minutes, its not gonna look so much bigger but this step is gonna make them be fluffier and smoother. Always make sure to cover the dough, if it dries out it’s gonna have so many cracks on the outside and it’s gonna look kinda patchy. Every resting should be done in a warm place.
Now you wanna paint the whole thing with beaten egg. At the same time you can add the rest of the filling in the middle. You can also add some sesame seeds on the crust if you want, as much as you want.

7)Seventh step: baking
Now you wanna bake it at 200 C or 392 F for 15 minutes or until golden brown, maybe it’s gonna take you a bit loner than that but I honestly can’t remember how long you’re supposed to bake it. but in general it should be around 15-18. And you would then have you super Easy Cheese fatayer

8) final results Easy Cheese fatayer

Easy Cheese pie with nuts and feta (Fatayer)
- Yield: 4 Fatayer 1x
- 125 ml lukewarm water
- 1 Teaspoon active dry yeast
- 113 grams bread flour
- 113 grams AP flour
- 3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 Teaspoon salt
- 225 grams mozzarella cheese
- 150 grams feta cheese
- 2 Tablespoons finely chopped parsley
- 3 Tablespoons pine nuts
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 Teaspoon black pepper
- 1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 Teaspoon chili powder
egg wash
- 1 egg
- 1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
- You wanna use Lukewarm water (not hot not cold) and add it in a glass or even a measuring thingy whatever you can find will be valid. You want to make sure it’s not too hot so it doesn’t kill your active dry yeast, and it should not be cold either. You can now add your active dry yeast and mix until you see everything super well disolved. Make sure to cover with plastic wrap or damp paper and allow it to rest for about 10 minutes, always in a warm place so it can fasten the process and you can eat it sooner.
After 10 minutes or maybe it takes you a bit more or even less you want to see bubbles on the top like foam
- On Our second step we are making our dough: you want to add in you mixing bowl all purpose flour and bread flour, salt and extra virgin olive oil.
- Now you can add the sponge you proudly made before 🙂
- Make sure to knead this Dough for about 15 minutes medium speed, if you feel like it needs more kneading leave it 2 more minutes, it should be a bit elastic.
- When the dough is properly kneaded you want to clean the bowl you used before or grab a new one, whatever- and add a bit of oil to the whole inside part of it, this is just so it doesn’t stick but you really don’t have to do this, i secretly almost never do it, and it literally happens nothing extra, it perfectly unsticks?
- Make sure you cover it with a damp towel and allow it to proof for about 1h, if you are using the Same size as me this is what its gonna be looking like after one hour (in a warm place pls) but if you don’t use the same size as me, if smaller it’s gonna be looking way higher and if bigger it’s gonna be flatter
shape p1
- You wanna divide the dough into 4 pieces, just weight them if you want to make it the Same weigh (total weight of the dough : 4 or as many pies you want). Roll each one into a ball and then roll out that ball using a rolling pan. You can put a bit of flour in your working table or counter top so it doesn’t stick at all. Don’t use to much of it tho.
- This is the easier step of all, you just wanna go check te ingredients list and first of all we are toasting the pine nuts for a second, in a pan without oil or anything, on low heat mixing so it doesn’t get burnt at all toast it until you see a bit of color, then you want to add it to the rest of filling ingredients. The toasting is gonna give the pine nuts the best flavor.
shape p2
- Now make sure to stuff the crust, close the gaps first from the sides and them we are gonna pinch the top and the bottom together, look at the pictures please
second proof
- This is where you wanna leave your perfectly shaped cheese pie on a baking pan and allow it to proof for about 20 minutes, its not gonna look so much bigger but this step is gonna make them be fluffier and smoother. Always make sure to cover the dough, if it dries out it’s gonna have so many cracks on the outside and it’s gonna look kinda patchy. Every resting should be done in a warm place.
- Now you wanna paint the whole thing with beaten egg and add the rest of the filling in the middle. You can add some sesame seeds on the crust if you want
- Now you wanna bake it at 200 C or 392 F for about 15 minutes or until golden brown, maybe it’s gonna take you a bit loner than that but I honestly can’t remember how. Long you’re supposed to bake it for
- eat
- Calories: 664
- Sugar: 1
- Sodium: 1098
- Fat: 40
- Saturated Fat: 15
- Carbohydrates: 47
- Fiber: 2
- Protein: 28
- Cholesterol: 167
Recipes from my family to yours